Sign up for a Property Tax Grievance in the Town of Brookhaven with Property Tax Agency, we have the data and analysis to deliver superior results.
Town of Brookhaven Property Tax Grievance Services
Brookhaven Sales Data
This data is not the official Town data, nor is it all of the data, but represents about 6 months' data conforming to PTA requirements* for market analysis.
Data is provided for example purposes, and no guarantee of suitability for any purpose is implied.
Average Sale Prices Municipality Price Sales Eastport $493,750 2 East Setauket $784,435 86 Setauket $895,277 18 Shoreham $679,428 35 Port Jefferson $777,944 55 Miller Place $665,450 59 Manorville $662,375 60 Calverton $570,000 1 Lake Grove $595,316 60 Moriches $632,777 9 Medford $516,474 127 East Moriches $699,052 19 Farmingville $562,108 71 Yaphank $584,195 11 Shirley $442,762 171 Patchogue $500,343 184 Mastic Beach $362,524 106 Sound Beach $444,084 58 Mastic $422,665 106 Blue Point $717,904 21 Bellport $641,941 57 Center Moriches $617,531 45 Belle Terre $1,550,000 1 Existing single family homes, excluding foreclosures and auctions, no "flips". Raw data with no trimming. Average Sale Prices School District Price Sales Three Village $717,013 207 Comsewogue $552,721 91 South Country $572,844 126 Sachem $545,943 214 Port Jefferson $819,231 43 William Floyd $416,194 307 Center Moriches $619,820 39 East Moriches $685,445 20 Eastport‐South Manor $632,873 67 Bayport‐Blue Point $686,409 22 Riverhead $570,000 1 Existing single family homes, excluding foreclosures and auctions, no "flips". Raw data with no trimming. Brookhaven Sales Ratio Study Metric June July August MEDIAN 0.004891 0.004684 0.004764 MEAN 0.004922 0.004782 0.004826 WEIGHTED 0.004898 0.004752 0.004725 AVG ABS DEVIATION 0.000872 0.000824 0.000808 COEFF DISPERSION 17.84766 17.60426 16.97235 PRICE RELATED DIFF 1.005026 1.006326 1.021229 TOTAL AV 932,290 841,329 1,015,994 TOTAL PRICE $190,330,089 $177,038,578 $214,985,544 AVG PRICE $550,087 $565,618 $567,244 N 346 313 379 Calculated using property market data compiled by PTA* and the methodology laid out in New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Office of Real Property Tax Services Level of Assessment Owner's Handbook (pdf). -
Brookhaven Assessments
Visualization of the distribution of Assessed Values in the Town: by property class, and also by location.
Distribution of Parcels Parcel Type Count Total Parcels 185,066 Agricultural Properties 689 Residential Properties 137,089 Vacant Land 24,070 Commercial Properties 16,068 Recreation and Entertainment Properties 233 Community Service Properties 1,061 Industrial Properties 295 Public Service Properties 3,297 Public Parks, Wild, Forested and Conservation 2,264 Source NYS ORPTS Muni Pro Website, Brookhaven Town Distribution of Parcels by Property Class Mapping Present Assessments
Brookhaven Assessed Value Percentiles The darker the dot, the higher the percentile of the property in terms of Assessed Value - Navy Blue dots are in the top 20% of all properties in the Town by Assessed Value.
This map illustrates the distribution of Assessed Values for single‐family homes in the Town of Brookhaven.
By converting Assessment Roll data into interactive mapping system, we can compare sales and Assessment data and plot the locations of each to provide real time analysis of the Real Estate market relative to Levels of Assessment.
The past informs the future
Brookhaven Granted Reductions Light blue dots are 2021, navy blue dots are 2022.
Researching recently granted reductions can give insight into what historical market conditions have been successful, and these metrics can be compared to current data to confirm if patterns continue or even intensify.
School District Assessments
Sachem School District Percentiles The darker the dot, the higher the percentile of the property in terms of Assessed Value - Navy Blue dots are in the top 20% of all properties in the Town by Assessed Value.
The starting point for all research begins with the Property Tax Roll, which we have converted into a database and mapping system which allows for performing any number of statistical analyses.
School taxes comprise the majority of most owner's property tax bill; at PTA, assessment analysis is not just performed at the Town level, but also by School District.
Sachem Parcel Distribution Parcel Type Count Total Parcels 27,015 Agricultural Properties 8 Residential Properties 22,511 Vacant Land 1,915 Commercial Properties 1,918 Recreation and Entertainment Properties 24 Community Service Properties 110 Industrial Properties 81 Public Service Properties 341 Public Parks, Wild, Forested and Conservation 107 Source NYS ORPTS Muni Pro Website, Brookhaven Town Distribution of Parcels by Property Class
Statistical Assessment Analysis
Data and analysis that comprise the PTA advantage: leveraging historical data and market trends at the Town, and School District, level.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can't I do this myself? What if my property is in a trust? Will this affect my existing exemptions? Is this a kissing book? All these answers, and more…
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