This is not a mass‐mail operation, it's direct mail.
Customers receive an invitation to file, selected by data analysis based upon each year's real estate market conditions and Level of Assessment.
Marketing Philosophy for Property Tax Agency
Marketing Efficiency
Depending on response rate, a successful direct mail marketing campaign can be difficult to achieve.
An unsuccessful campaign can be disastrous.
Marketing can be expensive; every piece of mail sent has a cost ‐ paper, ink, postage, and the time spent coming up with and refining a message that will resonate with prospects.
In order to limit wasted expenses, and maximize profits, we work hard to ensure that every piece of mail sent has the potential to pay off.
We don't waste money, or time ‐ ours, or yours.
Calculating Customer Acquisition Cost
Other firms will calculate the cost of postage, paper, printing, etc expended per piece, and say their acquisition cost is $5 or maybe even $10 per customer if they had to send multiple letters ⁄ offers to the same prospect.
We think different.
The PTA Customer Acquisition Cost formula is simple: TOTAL MARKET BUDGET ⁄ CUSTOMERS SIGNED UP
If we spend $15,000 on a marketing campaign and get just 1 customer, the cost of acquiring that customer is $15,000.
And then, imagine not knowing if that 1 customer even has a winnable case because you sent letters out to everyone in the zip code?
Maximizing Opportunities
So, how do we ensure that we still make money without signing up as many people as we can and simply hoping for enough wins ‐ or worse ‐ hiding fees in the fine print?
The old-fashioned way:
We earn it.We work year‐round to define and refine targeting areas and messaging to ensure we maximize the return on every marketing dollar and every hour spent on research and copy writing.
Every piece sent represents an informed decision, and so does every piece not sent.
Marketing Accuracy
What sets Property Tax Agency apart from other firms is leveraging an informational advantage via advanced data analytics.
How properties are selected
Beginning with current sales data, we compare Sales Ratios of sold properties and neighboring parcels with present Levels of Assessment.
Each property has 42 data points generated, evaluated, assessed, compared, and plotted by our analytics system, Lazlo.
Smithtown Sales Ratios Lazlo: the Real Genius of PTA
For each sale, the subject property Assessment is checked against the sale price to see if it is under‐, over‐, or fairly‐ assessed relative to that selling price.
Then, each sale is plotted on a map and compared to the surrounding properties' assessments, as well.
Throughout the year, sales are plotted on our Assessment Maps system and compared to neighborhood valuations, forming a comprehensive overview of the area market activity relative to assessments.
Sales Ratio Heat Map Analysis Mr Bonds: Marketing Selection
Depending on density of favorable comparisons, individual properties, neighborhoods, or even occasionally School Districts or Cities, can be identified as marketing targets for the strategies we have selected for the year.
Weighted School District Analysis Our marketing software, Mr Bonds, analyzes these datapoints‐ accounting for geographic density as well as weighting based on School District, to determine the relative expected return and generate a marketing target list.
A 100 Watt bulb can light up a room; A 100 Watt laser can cut through steel.
Same energy, much different results.
Opt‐Out of Future Mailings
All of this talk about efficiency of marketing brings up opting out; if you don't want to receive future mailings we don't want to send them.
It ruins our "numbers," and we are numbers obsessed.
Chump Don't Want the Help
If you would like to have your property excluded from future consideration for invitation, please provide the following information.
This data will be used solely for the purpose of preventing further solicitation, and in accordance with the PTA data policies, will never be sold or shared.
How a Grievance can Save You
Lowering the value used for multiplying by the tax rates for your property will result in a lower bill. Learn about how your tax bill is calculated.
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Analyzing Sales Data
Learn some of the sales market data collected and analysis techniques used by PTA, such as performing a Sales Ratio Study using Smithtown as an example
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Let PTA Represent You
If you didn't receive a mailer, or don't have your code available, you'll need to provide the property details. It will only take a minute or two.
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